Mark your calendars Twilighters!!! On March 21st you'll be able to own your own special copy of "Twilight" on DVD. I use the word special because the dvd is going to be packed with a tons of cool features:
Among the features:
*Audio Commentary by director Catherine Hardwicke, and stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
*Five Extended Scenes with introductions by the director
*Five Deleted Scenes with introductions by the director
*Three Music Videos from Muse, Paramore and Linkin Park
* The Adventure Begins: The Journey from Page to Screen- A seven-part documentary
*Comic-Con Phenomenon featurette
That release of the DVD falls on a Saturday which is very odd because all other film DVD's come out on Tuesdays according to the studio, the Saturday date was selected “to encourage midnight release parties for fans across the nation.”
So to celebrate this exciting occassion for those dedicated Twilight fans a
"Twilight Giveaway" will be hosted by www.bookroomreviews.com and www.momonthrandom.com between March 16-30 to giveaway some really cool "Twilight" products from several cool websites that specialize in "Twilight" inspired memorabilia to one lucky winner! Good luck!
Please visit their websites for instructions on how to enter and win!
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